Showing records 1721 through 1730 of 2006 results.

Trainer Search

No. Name Type Language Counties
0 NANCY LOUISE SPAULDING Standardized English Washington
0 TAMMIE BLESSING SPEARS Not given English Union
0 JENNI SPRAGUE Not given English Multnomah
0 SHANNON SPRINGER Not given English Grant
0 CHRISTINE ANNE SRENIAWSKI Community English Klamath, Lake
0 PATRICIA ANN STADDEN Standardized English Coos
0 SANDRA STAFFORD Not given English Clackamas
0 Jessica R Stamey Community English All
37 DANIELLE STAMM THOMAS Master English Clackamas, Hood River, Lincoln, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Wasco, Washington, Yamhill
0 EMMA C STANDISH Community English Lane
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