Showing records 9101 through 9200 of 19328 results.
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Training Session Search

Title CKC Hours guide
Introduction to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Set One Standards
DIV (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Set One Standards
Introduction to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde
Set One Standards
Introduction to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: Past & Present
Set One Standards
DIV (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: Past & Present
Set One Standards
Introduction to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: Past & Present
Set One Standards
DIV (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: Past & Present
Set One Standards
DIV (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde: Past & Present
Set One Standards
DIV (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Conscious Discipline
Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Conscious Discipline Social Emotional Curriculum
Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Conscious Discipline and Becoming Brain Smart
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Contracts and Policies - 1: Introduccion a Contratos y Politicas
Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Contracts and Policies - 2 : Introducción a Contratos y Políticas - 2
Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Creative Curriculum in and GOLD for Preschool Promise Grantees
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Curriculum Planning: Intentional Teaching with Integrity
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Developmental Milestones
Set One Standards
HGD (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Developmental Screening
Set One Standards
Introduction to Developmental Screening
Set One Standards
Introduction to Diversity ‘’Celebrating Differences”
Set One Standards
DIV (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to ECE, PIP and PDP: Learn about Early Childhood Education, Partners in Practice and Professional Development Plans
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to EI/ECSE
Set One Standards
SN (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Early Childhood Development: Understanding the Foundations of Lifelong Learning
Set One Standards
Introduction to Early Childhood Education: “Start Right”
Set One Standards
Introduction to Early Childhood Education and Neuro-developmental Disorders
Set One Standards
SN (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Early Education Careers
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to Equity
Set One Standards
DIV (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Equity
Set One Standards
DIV (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Excel
Set One Standards
PM (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Excel Part 2
Set One Standards
PM (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Executive Function Skills
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Family Engagement
Set One Standards
FCS (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Find Child Care Oregon
Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Find Child Care Oregon and Free Marketing Resources
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Five Theories of Adult Learning
Set One Standards
Introduction to Focus Child Care Network
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to GOLD
Set One Standards
OA (6.00) 6.00
Introduction to Growing, Trying, and Exploring Edible Plants
Set One Standards
HSN (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Helping Clients Living with Domestic Violence
Set One Standards
FCS (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to ITERS: Infant Toddler Environmental Rating Scale
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Improvisational Play
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Improvisational Play
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Improvisational Theater
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Inclusion: Giới Thiệu Hệ thống Toàn Diện: Xác Định và Giới Thiệu Trẻ Em đến Chương Trình Can Thiệp Sớm
Set One Standards
SN (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Inclusion: Identifying and Referring Children to Early Intervention
Set One Standards
SN (2.50) 2.50
Introduction to Inclusion: Introducción a la Inclusión: Identificando y Refiriendo Niños a Intervención Temprana
Set One Standards
SN (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Inclusion: 簡介內容
Set One Standards
SN (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Inclusion: Identifying and Referring Children to Early Intervention: Введение к вовлечению: идентификация и направления детей, нуждающихся во вмешательстве на раннем этапе
Set One Standards
SN (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Inclusive Environments
Set One Standards
LEC (5.50) , SN (2.50) 8.00
Introduction to Infant Toddler Mental Health
Set One Standards
SN (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Program: Building Bridges for Child Care Providers
Set One Standards
HGD (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to Infant and Toddler Caregiving
Set One Standards
HGD (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to Infant/Toddler Pyramid Model
Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Infant/Toddler Pyramid Model
Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Integrating Food and Garden Education into Daily Programs and Routines
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to LGBTQ+ Inclusivity Practices
Set One Standards
DIV (5.00) 5.00
Introduction to Learning Standards
Set One Standards
HGD (2.50) 2.50
Introduction to Learning Styles
Set One Standards
HGD (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Legal Structures
Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Marketing for Child Care Businesses: Ideas on How to Potentially Increase and Maintain Your School's Enrollment
Set One Standards
PM 1 - 3 HOURS
Introduction to Mindsets
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Mindsets: What Caregivers want to know about the Mindset of Successful Children
Set One Standards
UGB (2.50) 2.50
Introduction to Montessori: Theory and Practice
Set One Standards
LEC (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Montessori Theories of Education
Set One Standards
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
Set One Standards
PPLD (13.00) 13.00
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
Set One Standards
PPLD (13.00) 13.00
Introduction to Multiculturalism in Early Childhood Programs
Set One Standards
DIV (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Multiculturalism in Early Childhood Programs
Set One Standards
DIV (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Multiculturalism in Early Childhood Programs
Set One Standards
DIV (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Multiculturalism in Early Childhood Programs
Set One Standards
DIV (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to NACCRRAware
Set One Standards
PPLD (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to Next Generation Science Standards in Early Learning Part 1
Set One Standards
LEC (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Next Generation Science Standards in Early Learning Part 2
Set One Standards
LEC (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Observation
Set One Standards
OA (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Observation and Assessment: 6 ways to assess young children
Set One Standards
OA (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Observing Relationships
Set One Standards
OA (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Observing Relationships
Set One Standards
OA (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Online Learning : CS 0725
Set One Standards
PPLD (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Oregon Early Childhood Inclusion
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.75) 1.75
Introduction to Oregon Early Childhood Inclusion
Set One Standards
Introduction to Oregon's Early Learning & Kindergarten Readiness
Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Oregon's Early Learning System
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to Oregon's QRIS
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Oregon’s Professional Development System
Set One Standards
PPLD (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Oregon’s Professional Development System
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to PBIS Pyramid Model
Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Parenting Education for Families in Early Childhood
Set One Standards
FCS (4.00) 4.00
Introduction to Parenting Education for Families in Early Childhood
Set One Standards
FCS (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Planning and Setting up Music and Dance Centers
Set One Standards
LEC (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Positive Discipline
Set One Standards
UGB (6.00) 6.00
Introduction to Positive Guidance
Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Positive Guidance: Positive Guidance and Discipline
Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
Introduction to Preschool Child Development
Set One Standards
HGD (2.50) 2.50
Introduction to Preschool Interactions: Intentional Teaching and Learning in Early Childhood
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to Preschool Promise
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to Preschool Promise: RFA 2022-2023
Set One Standards
PM (1.00) 1.00
Introduction to Program Administration Scale
Set One Standards
PM (1.50) 1.50
Introduction to Pyramid Model: Addressing Challenging Behaviors
Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to QRIS Portfolios
Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
Introduction to QRIS and Spark
Set One Standards
PPLD (2.00) 2.00
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