Showing records 19201 through 19300 of 19314 results.
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Training Session Search

Title CKC Hours guide
Планирование профессионального развития: Professional Development Planning
Set One Standards
PPLD (2.00) 2.00
Позитивная дисциплина: Positive Discipline
Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Правда о мальчиках и девочках: различия в развитии головного мозга: Brain Development: Differences Between Boys and Girls
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Правила приёма детей в детский сад. Разрешение проблем: Intake Procedures, Problem Management
Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
Представилась возможность: I Am Moving I Am Learning: Opportunity Knocks
Set One Standards
HSN (2.00) 2.00
Профилактика наркомании среди детей : Prevention of Drug Abuse Among Children
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Пути умственного развития ребенка: Brain Building Through Smart Play
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Развитие головного мозга у младенцев: Infant Brain Development
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Развитие эмоционального интеллекта. «Я и мои эмоции. Презрение и отвращение»
Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
Развитие эмоционального интеллекта. “Я и мои эмоции. Страх и тревога”
Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
Развитие эмоционального интеллекта. “Я и мои эмоции. Страх и тревога”
Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
Система оценки и повышения качества в штате Орегон: Oregon's Quality Rating and Improvement System (QRIS) Increasing Quality Training
Set One Standards
PM (3.00) 3.00
Снижение стресса в вашей жизни: Reducing Stress in Your Life
Set One Standards
PPLD (2.50) 2.50
Создание благоприятной атмосферы: Creating Supportive Environments
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Стандарты качества: как проводить наблюдение и оценку развития ребёнка: QRIS Standards: How to Conduct Child Observation and Assessment
Set One Standards
OA (2.00) 2.00
Стандарты качества: как стимулировать позитивное социально-эмоциональное развитие ребёнка : QRIS Standards: How to Support Positive Social Emotional Child Development
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Стандарты качества: принципы развития ребёнка и его познавательных навыков: QRIS Standards: Child Development & Learning Principles
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Стандарты качества: создание среды в помещении и на свежем воздухе : QRIS Standards: Creating Indoor and Outdoor Environments
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Старшие дети и спортивные занятия всей семьёй: Older Kids and Physical Activities for Families
Set One Standards
HSN (2.00) 2.00
Что для нас рисование, как рождается талант: Art Activities to Draw Out Creativity
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
жедневные полдники и полдники не для каждого дня: Everyday and Sometimes Snacks
Set One Standards
HSN (2.00) 2.00
рудный ребёнок: Children with Developmental Delays
Set One Standards
SN (2.00) 2.00
‘Getting Ready’ Part 2:
Set One Standards
OA (1.50) 1.50
‘’Challenging Behavior”
Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
“Ambitious Instruction” Your Input on a Statewide Professional Learning Program
Set One Standards
PPLD (1.50) 1.50
“Assessment Literacy” for Early Educators: Unpacking Intentional Child Assessment
Set One Standards
OA (1.50) 1.50
“Come Stretch Your Ears with Me”: An Invitation to Listen
Set Two Standards
LEC , OA 3 - 6 HOURS
“Digital Citizenship/Cyberbullying
Set One Standards
FCS (2.00) 2.00
“Girls Only” or “Boys Only”: When Is It OK?
Set One Standards
PM (1.00) 1.00
“I am that child care provider! Self-Assessment.”
Set One Standards
PM (3.00) 3.00
“I am that child care provider! Stepping into business.”
Set One Standards
PM (3.00) 3.00
“Inclusion, Is It Still a Thing?”
Set One Standards
SN (1.00) 1.00
“Let Go & Let Children Think”
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
“Let Go & Let Children Think”
Set One Standards
“QPR, Gatekeeper Training”
Set One Standards
“QPR, Gatekeeper Training”
Set One Standards
HSN (2.00) 2.00
“So That’s Why They Do That!”: Using Observation to Understand Children’s Temperament
Set Two Standards
HGD , OA 3 - 6 HOURS
“The POWER of Intrinsic Motivation”
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
“You said you want this when?”
Set One Standards
PM (4.00) 4.00
”We are Doing it Wrong: Kindergarten Readiness”
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
冥想式瑜珈:教導孩子待人友善、穩定靜心和集中專注 : Imagination Yoga: Teaching Kids Kindness, Calm, and Concentration
Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
在早期兒童教育環境中採用觀察系統 : Implementing Observation Systems in Early Childhood Environments
Set One Standards
OA (2.00) 2.00
基礎正念練習介紹: Introduction to Basic Mindfulness Practices
Set One Standards
PPLD (2.00) 2.00
學習型態:兒童透過許多不同方式學習事物: Learning Styles: The Many Different Ways Children Learn
Set One Standards
HGD (2.50) 2.50
學習型態:兒童透過許多不同方式學習事物 : Learning Styles: Many Different Ways Children Learn
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
將遊戲融入您的課程計劃 : Bringing Play into Your Program
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
我活動我學習 (IMIL):創造自製玩具 : I'm Moving I'm Learning: Creating Homemade Play Materials
Set One Standards
LEC (1.50) 1.50
照顧者適用的嬰兒手語研討會: Baby Signs Caregiver Workshop
Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
腦部發育 : Brain Development
Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
與家長討論他們對子女發展的顧慮: Talking to Parents About Concerns With Their Child’s Development
Set One Standards
SN (2.50) 2.50
訓練和引導: Discipline & Guidance
Set One Standards
UGB (2.50) 2.50
隱形疾病: Invisible Illness
Set One Standards
HSN (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HGD (1.50) , SN (1.50) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
DIV (1.00) 1.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HSN (1.00) 1.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
Translation not available
Title not given
Set One Standards
LEC (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
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Set One Standards
HSN (1.00) 1.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
SN (1.00) 1.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
Translation not available
Title not given
Set One Standards
PM (1.50) 1.50
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Set One Standards
UGB (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HSN (5.00) 5.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HSN (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
LEC (1.50) 1.50
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HGD (1.50) , UGB (1.50) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
SN (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
FCS (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
Title not given
Set One Standards
HSN (5.00) 5.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
FCS (3.00) , HSN (2.00) , LEC (2.00) , PPLD (4.00) , PM (4.00) 15.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
Translation not available
Title not given
Set One Standards
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
SN (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
Translation not available
Title not given
Set One Standards
DIV (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
PM (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HSN (5.00) 5.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
FCS (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
LEC (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
UGB (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
SN (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
PPLD (4.00) 4.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
PM (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
Translation not available
Title not given
Set One Standards
PM (1.00) 1.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
SN (3.00) 3.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HSN (4.00) 4.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HSN (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HGD (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
HSN (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
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Set One Standards
LEC (2.00) 2.00
Translation not available
Title not given
Set One Standards
LEC (1.50) , UGB (1.50) 3.00
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