Showing records 1861 through 1870 of 2006 results.

Trainer Search

No. Name Type Language Counties
0 JULIA ANTONIETA VASQUEZ Standardized English, Spanish Coos, Curry
2 MARY VAUGHN Master English Curry, Lane
4 Luiza Vaynberg Specialty Master English, Russian Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington
0 JEANNETTE VELARDI Standardized English Clackamas, Marion, Multnomah, Washington, Yamhill
0 Jennifer Malia Vernon Master English All
0 DEBORA VERONEAU Not given English Yamhill
0 Marley Via English All
0 JACQUELINE VILCAPOMA Not given English Malheur
2 MIRIAM YADAI VILCHIS Master English, Spanish Clackamas, Multnomah, Washington
0 HEATHER MARIE VILLALEJO Master English Douglas, Lane, Multnomah, Washington
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