Showing records 1361 through 1370 of 2006 results.

Trainer Search

No. Name Type Language Counties
2 JOEL ALAN NIXON Master English Clackamas, Marion, Multnomah, Washington
0 SUMMER NOKES Standardized English Morrow, Umatilla
0 AMY ELIZABETH NOLAN Standardized English Jackson, Josephine
0 Colleen Marie Nolan Master English Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook, Washington
1 Taya J Noland Master English Coos, Curry
3 Guadalupe Judith Nolazco Garcia Master English, Spanish All
0 SUSAN MARIE NORTON Standardized English Lane
8 LEA KELLY NUNAMAKER Master English Baker, Malheur, Wallowa
0 Ariana G Nunez-Gastelum Community English, Spanish Malheur
0 DEAN NUNNEMAKER Standardized English Josephine
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