1 Approved Programs
Active Program Approval Last approval
Child Care Health & Safety Primary Feb. 1, 2005
Sessions 10
Active Mode Name CKC Age groups
Classroom NAFCC Accreditation: What, Why & How?
Set One Standards
PPLD No Age-Related Content
Classroom Hands-On Marketing for Family Child Care Providers
Set One Standards
Classroom That’s Not a Toy: Crafting Authentic Experiences for Young Children
Set One Standards
LEC Preschool
Classroom Using the 29 Renegade Rules from "It's OK Not to Share" by Heather Shumaker
Set Two Standards
UGB Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
Classroom Look Ma, No Worksheets!: Creating Authentic Math Experiences for Young Children
Set Two Standards
LEC Preschool
Classroom Creating a Natural Playscape: Beautiful Outdoor Space on a Budget
Set Two Standards
LEC Infant/Toddler, Preschool
Classroom Tear Up Your Lesson Plan: Standing Up For Play
Set Two Standards
LEC Infant/Toddler, Preschool
Classroom Beyond the Alphabet Song: Creating Authentic Literacy Experiences for Young Children
Set Two Standards
LEC Preschool
Classroom "I Hear You": Respectful and Relationship-Based Guidance in Early Childhood Settings
Set Two Standards
UGB Infant/Toddler, Preschool
Classroom Speaking PLAY: Becoming Fluent in the Language of Play
Set Two Standards
OA Infant/Toddler, Preschool
Trainer status
  • Master

  • English

  • Clackamas
Contact information

  • Michelle.K.Lewis@me.com