Mellie Ann Bukovsky-Reyes

10 Approved Programs
Active Program Approval Last approval
Every Child Ready to Read At Your Library Primary Aug. 18, 2018
First Connections: Infant & Toddler Development & Care Primary Aug. 18, 2018
Recognizing & Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect Primary Aug. 18, 2018
Oregon Kids - Healthy & Safe Primary Aug. 18, 2018
Early Words Language and Literacy Development 2014 Primary Aug. 18, 2018
All 4 Math in Early Childhood Primary Aug. 18, 2018
Implementing Developmental Screening Using the Ages and Stages Questionnaire - Third Edition (ASQ - 3) Standardized Primary Aug. 18, 2018
Mind in the Making - Oregon Primary April 19, 2021
Introduction to Child Care Health and Safety Primary Aug. 18, 2018
Supporting Literacy and Language Development for Dual Language Learners Primary Aug. 18, 2018
Sessions 40
Active Mode Name CKC Age groups
Classroom H.O.P.E. Help reduce Obesity through Physical Exercise
Set Two Standards
HSN Preschool
Hybrid Building a Passion for Learning
Set One Standards
HGD Preschool
Hybrid Diverse Learners: Supporting English Language Learners in Preschool
Set Two Standards
DIV , LEC Preschool
Hybrid Simple Ways to Observe and Assess Young Children
Set Two Standards
OA Preschool
Classroom To Time-out, or Not to Time-out?: That is the Question!
Set Two Standards
UGB Preschool, School Age
Classroom Building a Professional Development Action Plan
Set Two Standards
PPLD No Age-Related Content
Hybrid Increasing Learning Opportunities for Infants and Toddlers with Special Needs
Set Two Standards
HGD , SN Infant/Toddler
Classroom Building Life Skills with Preschoolers
Set Two Standards
HGD , UGB Preschool
Classroom Infant & Toddler Activities
Set Two Standards
LEC Infant/Toddler
Classroom Knowing Infants & Toddlers
Set Two Standards
HGD Infant/Toddler
Hybrid Learning for the 21st Century: Teaching Children Skills to be Successful
Set Two Standards
LEC Preschool, School Age
Hybrid Observing Infants & Toddlers
Set Two Standards
OA Infant/Toddler
Hybrid Reflection and Intentionality: Tools for Effective Teachers
Set Two Standards
HGD No Age-Related Content
Hybrid Supporting Families, Responsive Relationships
Set Two Standards
FCS No Age-Related Content
Hybrid Toddler Emotions: What’s the Commotion?
Set Two Standards
HGD Infant/Toddler
Classroom Get On Your Feet, It’s Story Time!
Set Two Standards
LEC Preschool
Classroom Nature Playscapes on a Budget
Set Two Standards
LEC Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
Classroom Opportunity Knocks: Reversing Current Obesity Trends
Set Two Standards
HSN Preschool
Classroom R.E.A.P. (Realities, Experiences, Assumptions & Perspectives): The Benefits of Cultural Competence
Set Two Standards
DIV Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
Hybrid Adapting Programs for Children with Special Needs
Set Two Standards
SN Preschool, School Age
Classroom Guiding Infant Toddler Behavior
Set Two Standards
UGB Infant/Toddler
Hybrid Infant/Toddler Environments
Set Two Standards
LEC Infant/Toddler
Classroom Language & Literacy
Set Two Standards
LEC Preschool
Hybrid Play and the Development of the Executive Function
Set Two Standards
HGD School Age
Hybrid Setting Boundaries, Saying “No”: Preschool
Set Two Standards
UGB Preschool
Hybrid Understanding Biases: How to Create a Diverse Classroom
Set Two Standards
DIV Preschool, School Age
Classroom Using Action Based Play to Train the Brain
Set Two Standards
HGD Preschool
Classroom Using the Early Language Literacy Classroom Observation (ELLCO) Tool
Set Two Standards
LEC , OA , UGB Preschool
Classroom The Meaning Behind Challenging Behavior
Set Two Standards
UGB Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
Classroom Observation: The Heart of Authentic Assessment
Set Two Standards
OA No Age-Related Content
Classroom Screen Time: A Focus on Infants and Toddlers
Set Two Standards
HSN Infant/Toddler
Classroom Screen Time: A Focus on Infants, Toddlers and Preschoolers
Set Two Standards
HSN Infant/Toddler, Preschool
Classroom Positive Behavior Intervention & Supports (PBIS) Module 2: Promoting Social Emotional Competence: Social Emotional Teaching Strategies
Set One Standards
UGB Preschool
Classroom Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports (PBIS) Module 1: Promoting Children’s Success: Building Relationships & Creating Supportive Environments
Set One Standards
UGB Preschool
Classroom Utilizing Observation in Understanding and Guiding Children with Challenging Behaviors
Set Two Standards
OA , UGB Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
Classroom Joys of Discovery: Infants and Toddlers
Set Two Standards
HGD Infant/Toddler
Distance Ed. Portfolio Building: Family Partnerships Standards
Set Two Standards
PM No Age-Related Content
Classroom Demystifying Speech and Language Acquisition and Development in Infants and Young Children
Set Two Standards
HGD , OA Infant/Toddler, Preschool, School Age
Classroom A Brain-based Approach to Accomplishing Your Tasks and Goals
Set Two Standards
HGD , PPLD No Age-Related Content
Classroom Lets Grow Together! Marketing your Child Care Business: Creative Ideas in Marketing Your Business, Building Parent Relationships and Making That Community Connection!
Set Two Standards
FCS , PM No Age-Related Content
Trainer status
  • Master

  • English

  • All
Contact information
