Title | CKC | Hours guide |
Introduction to Learning Styles
Set One Standards |
HGD (3.00) | 3.00 |
Introduction to Legal Structures
Set One Standards |
PM (2.00) | 2.00 |
Introduction to Marketing for Child Care Businesses: Ideas on How to Potentially Increase and Maintain Your School's Enrollment
Set One Standards |
PM | 1 - 3 HOURS |
Introduction to Mindsets
Set One Standards |
HGD (2.00) | 2.00 |
Introduction to Mindsets: What Caregivers want to know about the Mindset of Successful Children
Set One Standards |
UGB (2.50) | 2.50 |
Introduction to Montessori: Theory and Practice
Set One Standards |
LEC (3.00) | 3.00 |
Introduction to Montessori Theories of Education
Set One Standards |
HGD | 1 - 3 HOURS |
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
Set One Standards |
PPLD (13.00) | 13.00 |
Introduction to Motivational Interviewing
Set One Standards |
PPLD (13.00) | 13.00 |
Introduction to Multiculturalism in Early Childhood Programs
Set One Standards |
DIV (3.00) | 3.00 |