Title | CKC | Hours guide |
Set One Standards |
LEC (1.00) | 1.00 |
Science, Creative Arts and the Intentional Educator
Set One Standards |
LEC (1.50) | 1.50 |
Science, Nature, and Discovery
Set One Standards |
Science, Nature, and Discovery
Set One Standards |
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math
Set One Standards |
LEC (2.00) | 2.00 |
Science: The Art of Making Sense of the World
Set Two Standards |
LEC | 1 - 3 HOURS |
Scoring and More: Go Beyond the Rating Scale to Explore Your Program Quality
Set Two Standards |
LEC | 1 - 3 HOURS |
Scoring and More: Going Beyond the Rating Scales
Set One Standards |
LEC (3.00) | 3.00 |
Screen Time
Set One Standards |
HGD (2.00) | 2.00 |
Screen Time: A Focus on Infants and Toddlers
Set Two Standards |
HSN | 1 - 3 HOURS |