
Actividades Apropiadas para el Desarrollo de Bebés y Niños Pequeños (Developmentally Appropriate Activities for Infants and Toddlers)

We'll look at the caregiver's role in helping to foster children's learning. We'll explore how to be responsive to a child's cues and provide support as children develop initiative, curiosity, imagination, and persistence. We'll discuss developmentally appropriate strategies and activities to support communication, language, and physical development while engaging with infants and toddlers.

  • Thursday December 5th, 2024
    6 p.m.7:30 p.m.
  • 85312
    Set Two Standards
  • Infant/Toddler  
    Learning Environments & Curriculum (1.5)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • $10.00
  • Spanish
  • Elda Perez
  • Lincoln

  • Online Online, OR

  • Se requiere preinscripción y prepago. Llame a Family Connections: 541-917-4892 o envíe un correo electrónico a: