
Helping Children with the back to School Transition

Description: Change is hard. Children have started to become comfortable with routines and structures in your classroom, and then comes the holidays and family vacations. While it is important to enjoy time with family and friends, it can cause many feelings of uncertainty in children. The focus of this training is understanding why children feel this way and routines and strategies you can put in place to help with the upcoming transitions that children will be experiencing. Time at the end of training to ask and answer questions.

  • Tuesday November 5th, 2024
    6 p.m.8 p.m.
  • 84120
    Set One Standards
  • Preschool   School Age  
    Learning Environments & Curriculum (2)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • Free
  • English
  • Abril Tracy