
Sistema de referencia de Oregon (Find Child Care Oregon): A Tool for your Business

Los participantes comprenderán la importancia de Find Child Care Oregon (Sistema de referencia de Oregon) y algunas prácticas comerciales fundamentales para participar en la era digital a medida que las familias buscan cuidado infantil. /Participants will gain an understanding regarding the importance of Find Child Care Oregon (Oregon’s referral system) and some core business practices to engage in the digital age as people search for child care.

  • Wednesday July 31st, 2024
    6 p.m.7:30 p.m.
  • 83311
    Set One Standards
  • No Age-Related Content  
    Program Management (1.5)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • Free
  • Spanish
  • Valeria Anderson