
Managing Bullying In Young Children

This course will explore bullying in preschool and school-age years as well as partnering with parents to prevent and rectify bullying. This training will also explore the role of the teacher bully and how you can assess yourself and the teachers who work with you to prevent bullying.

  • Tuesday June 13th, 2023Friday June 16th, 2023
    6 p.m.
  • 77942
    Set Two Standards
  • Preschool   School Age  
    Understanding & Guiding Behavior (6)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • $120.00
  • English
  • Joyce McCoy
  • Multnomah
  • View on map
    You will need a device with a camera, speakers and microphone to participate in this interactive webinar.
    You can particiapte from any county Interactive webinar, OR

  • text 503.949.5439 or email