
How Bilateral Integration Effects Positive Behavior
Dive Deeper into the Development of Bilateral Integration

This training will focus on the importance of developing bilateral coordination as it is the foundations to emotional regulation and self-esteem. Postive behavioral outcomes are directly correlated to how a child is able to self-regulate and integrate their senses.

  • Tuesday October 24th, 2023
    6 p.m.9 p.m.
  • 77431
    Set Two Standards
  • Preschool  
    Understanding & Guiding Behavior (3)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • $25.00
  • English
  • Minaz Chauthani
  • Marion

  • Personal Computer-WEBINAR BASED TRAINING
    0000-Web Based Training Salem, OR

  • Payment due upon registration unless the class is free.

    You may register and/or pay online at this link: https://bookeo.com/caatraining/customer

    Please call if you have any questions or need assistance: 503-585-2491 or e-mail at CCRRWeb@mwvcaa.org

    El pago es al momento de su registración al menos que la clase se designe como gratuita.

    Puede registrarse/pagar en línea en este enlace: https://bookeo.com/caatraining/customer

    Por favor, no dude en llamar si tiene alguna pregunta o necesita ayuda con el proceso en línea: 503-585-2491 o CCRRWeb@mwvcaa.org