
Особенности и функции современной семьи
Features and functions of the modern family

The description is: During the training, we will talk about the transformation of the modern family system. We will differentiate the functions of the family and its types. We will consider in detail the structure of the family and the stages of development of relations in the family. We will discover by personal examples how different families affect the upbringing of certain character traits of the children. You will get acquainted with the projective method of studying family relations "Who lives in the house?"
На тренинге мы поговорим про трансформацию современной семейной системы. Рассмотрим функции семьи, ее типы и виды. Детально рассмотрим структуру семьи и этапы развития отношений в семье. Поисследуем на личных примерах, как разные семьи влияют на воспитание определенных черт характера ребенка. Вы познакомитесь с проективной методикой исследования семейных отношений «Кто в домике живет?».

  • Monday February 6th, 2023
    6 p.m.9 p.m.
  • 75967
    Set One Standards
  • Infant/Toddler   Preschool   School Age  
    Families & Community Systems (3)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • $25.00
  • Russian
  • Alona Halychanska
  • Marion
  • View on map
    Personal Computer-WEBINAR BASED TRAINING
    0000-Web Based Training Salem, OR

  • Payment due upon Registration (unless class is designated as free). (Our website has been recently updated) You may register/pay ONLINE at this Link: http://mwvcaa.org/programs/ccrr/#tab-id-2

    Please don't hesitate to call if you have any questions or need assistance with the online process: 503-585-2491

    Or Download the class registration form..look for the Download Flyer LINK above the Mapping tool. AND mail in registration form with payment to MWVCAA/CCRR Attn: Accounts Payable 2475 Center ST NE Salem Or 97301 See attached Registration form Payment must be received prior to class occurring. Participants must be confirmed as paid to attend.