
Leadership: Don’t Manage LEAD

Participants will scrutinize the attributes of good leaders and how that applies in childcare settings. Participants will also inspect some of the leadership skills required of childcare management staff. This is the first of 8 stand-alone courses on leadership.

  • Thursday September 15th, 2022
    6 p.m.9 p.m.
  • 74453
    Set Two Standards
  • No Age-Related Content  
    Personal, Professional & Leadership Development (2)   Program Management (1)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • $60.00
  • English
  • Joyce McCoy
  • Multnomah

  • You will need a device with a camera, speakers and microphone to participate in this interactive webinar.
    You can particiapte from any county Interactive webinar, OR

  • text 503.949.5439 or email