Childhood Mental Health:
What It Is and Why It Matters
This class is a part of the new providers training series!
This training is designed for family child care providers.
Participants will understand social and emotional development typical for children’s mental health for children 0-12 and
the mental health needs of children and youth including the impact on families and provider care practices. They will
also understand how to recognize risk factors that might lead to or result in children with mental health issues, learn
research-based practices to support families and children’s emotional well-being, and learn child care practices to
support children with mental health disorders.
Wednesday January 26th, 2022
6 p.m. — 8 p.m.
72305Set One Standards
Infant/Toddler Preschool School AgeSpecial Needs (2)
It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.