El poder de las relaciones con niños pequeños/ The power of relationships with young children
Esta capacitación está diseñada para proveedores de cuidado infantil familiar. Los participantes comprenderán cómo los apegos tempranos apoyan el desarrollo de los niños, identificarán estrategias claves para construir relaciones positivas y aprenderán formas de alentar los comportamientos sociales positivos de los niños./ This training is designed for family child care providers. Participants will understand how early attachments support children’s development, identify key strategies for building positive relationships, and learn ways to encourage children’s positive social behaviors.
Thursday July 29th, 2021
6 p.m. — 8 p.m.
69604Set One Standards
Infant/Toddler Preschool School AgeUnderstanding & Guiding Behavior (2)
It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.