PRYSM Art for Informal Educators
Training Series Description: This training is an eight hour series being provided in four parts over four weeks. As a whole, the series will cover four full weeks of art curriculum and programming for children of all ages. This comprehensive arts training will model process based, fun, and engaging projects that will give you everything you need to explore 2D and 3D visual art, puppetry and performance, sound and motion, as well as animation and film. The training will also provide practice for authentic, culturally responsive and youth-centered engagement strategies. After training completion, participants will receive the full four week curriculum with extensions to keep your art program fun and exciting for youth into the future. Training participants will also have access to a free one-on-one coaching support session to help you work toward your goals for implementing art. Materials will be simple and accessible, and all activities have the out-of-school time format in mind to make optimal use of your informal space! Virtual modifications and extensions are included.
Thursday August 6th, 2020
— Thursday August 27th, 2020
6 p.m.
66924Set Two Pending
Preschool School AgeLearning Environments & Curriculum (8)
It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.