
Preguntar, Pursuadir, Referir: Prevencion de Suicidio (Question, Persuade, Refer: Suicide Prevention)

The ultimate goal of QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) training is to prevent suicide attempts and completions. To achieve this goal many steps must be taken along the way. The first of these is to help people deal with their denial about suicide and to enable them to talk freely about this subject. The purpose of this training is to raise participant awareness about suicide, provide some background facts about suicide to dispel myths and misconceptions, and discuss some of the warning signs.

El objetivo principal del entrenamiento PPR (Preguntar, Persuadir y Referir) es prevenir los intentos de suicidio y las terminaciones. Para lograr este objetivo, se deben tomar muchos pasos. El primero de ellos es ayudar a las personas a enfrentar la realidad sobre el suicidio y permitirles hablar libremente sobre este tema. A través de esta capacitación es aumentar la conciencia de los participantes sobre el suicidio, proporcionar algunos antecedentes sobre el suicidio para disipar mitos y conceptos erróneos, y discutir algunas de las señales de advertencia.

  • Tuesday September 10th, 2019
    6:30 p.m.8 p.m.
  • 62996
    Set One Standards
  • No Age-Related Content  
    Health, Safety & Nutrition (1.5)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • Free
  • Spanish
  • Mara Robles
  • Jefferson

  • To be announced

  • Preregistration required. For more information or to preregister, contact NeighborImpact Child Care Resources.
    Phone 541-548-2380 x118,
    Email ccr@neighborimpact.org