
Diferentes tipos de necesidades especiales y como incluirlos en el salón de Clase (Different Types of Disabilities in the Preschool Age and How to Include them in the Classroom)

This training will focus on the most common types of disabilities in preschool-age children (3-5). Including, ADD, Down Syndrome, and Autism. It will cover different techniques on how to include the children in the classroom and how to support the potential impacts on families who have a child with special needs. Finally, some fun activities to do with preschool children with disabilities.

  • Saturday April 27th, 2019
    12:45 p.m.3:45 p.m.
  • 62493
    Set Two Standards
  • Preschool  
    Special Needs (3)  

    It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.
  • $20.00
  • Spanish
  • Roxana Hoyle
  • Multnomah
  • View on map
    MHCC Maywood Park Campus 10100 NE Prescott Street Portland, OR

  • Pre-inscripción y pre-pago es REQUERIDO. En este momento, aceptamos pago a través de cheque, efectivo o giro postal. La inscripción puede enviarse por correo o entregarse en persona en CCR & R-MC, 4510 NE 102nd, Portland, OR 97220.

    Para imprimir una forma de registración vaya a http://ccrr-mc.org/training/. Para obtener más información comuníquese con El Centro de Recursos y Referencias del Condado de Multnomah, o llame al 503-491-6205 o envíe un correo electrónico a info@ccrr-mc.org.

    Los números de curso y sección se encuentran en la parte izquierda.