Siete destrezas básicas que cada niño necesita para su vida
The Seven Essential Like Skills Every Child Needs
Para tener éxito en la vida hay siete destrezas básicas señaladas en el famoso libro de la autora Ellen Galinsky “Mind In the Making” que es importante compartir, discutir y aprender actividades podemos ofrecer para ayudar a desarrollar esas destrezas. Estas destrezas son: Enfoque y auto-control, perspectiva del pensamiento, comunicación, haciendo conexiones, pensamiento crítico, enfrentando retos y auto dirigir e involucrarse en el aprendizaje.
To succeed in life, there are seven basic skills identified in the famous book of the author Ellen Galinsky "Mind In the Making" that is important to share, discuss and learn activities we can offer to help develop these skills. These skills are:-focus and self-control, perspective of thought, communication, making connections, critical thinking, facing challenges and auto lead and engage in learning.
Tuesday May 30th, 2017
6 p.m. — 9 p.m.
54826Set One Standards
PreschoolHuman Growth & Development (3)
It is your responsibility to verify that the training sessions you select will meet your licensing or professional development needs.